Gym etiquette

Be on time

We cover a lot in class and utilise every minute.  No, we won’t lock the doors five minutes after class starts; however, if you’re late, please join into class by following what you see going on!

Check your ego at the door

Please check your ego at the door, it’s likely to get trounced if you don’t; no one cares how much you can lift, we only care how well you can lift it.  The coaches are there to help you improve now and long into the future.

Introduce yourself

Please introduce yourself to all newcomers (or someone you don’t recognise).  Remember when you were the new guy or gal?  A friendly introduction goes a long way.

Put your equipment back when everyone has finished

At Defiance Fit, we don’t put our equipment until everyone has finished the workout.  This is a common courtesy that you too will one day benefit from as everyone is last in the workout someday.  You can cheer on others, grab a foam roller, or just sit and enjoy the down time, but don’t touch your equipment.

No ghost riding the barbells – ever

When your barbell drops to the floor and dances into you or someone else’s shin injuring them for weeks it’s not cool.  Not sure what ghost-riding looks like?  Ask your coach next time in class.

Don't drop empty barbells

We use an empty barbell a lot in class for drill and form work.  When putting the barbell down, gently place in on the ground with the utmost care and admiration for the fine piece of equipment that is the barbell.


You have to clean-up after yourself.  It’s your responsibility to get out and put away your equipment, count your own reps, get your own tissue, and clean off your bars.  Plus, by carrying those huge Rogue boxes all the way across the gym you’ll gain a lot of fitness.

Clean off your bars

It’s quite possible that at some point in your Defiance Fit journey you may bleed on a pull-up bar or barbell.  Please, please clean off your bar with one of the many disinfectant wipes.

Chalk usage

Chalk stays in the chalk bucket.  Yes, you’ll have to walk all the way to the chalk bucket to dust your hands.  While some people believe that chalk is like magic fairy dust, the fact of the matter is that a light dusting of your hands is all you need.

Children in the gym

Children are always welcome at Defiance Fit. We just ask that they sit on the couch or in the lounge area while their parents workout. They are not allowed at any point during class to come onto the gym floor or training area. This is for  the safety of the children and quality of the athletes’ training.

Go the distance

Every athlete pushes themselves in a different way.  You can scream, swear, cry, go to your happy place, bleed, or even rest…just don’t quit.  The human body is capable of more than you can possibly comprehend; challenge it accordingly.